Thursday, March 29, 2007

Clusters in a Mess

Fishies making Faces are smoking? Sandraa Opps... she got caught! Poor Jae

You did what...? Oh! Don't cry Wandy!

What beautiful normal hyenas

No...thats not going to happen...

Ahhhhh!!!!!! did happen

Why do you look at me like that? Nothing happened!

hElp...i am NOt AlonE

DAn, Jae, tOm and PauL

mAlAchi, Danny BoY, and jAe HANDs OF sTevIes and SaNny's

SandRaaaaSsss JaE hidIng, SteVens anD PaulerS

maRes and The Stever IS tHat Steven...??

ToM and PaUl...suCh strOnNg mEn
DaNNers aNd JeNNifeReRs

pauLY, ChrIstoPhers, And tHe JaErs

PaUlers aGain, pOOh, the MARE in mId-spEak, and fiSSShy JaeS

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

February 10 2006 A totally cool day

Malachi Graham playing piano while Norah and Mary Ellen watch on

Emily, Eliya, Karen, and Christine. !Hot girls
Mary and Norah music lovers!!

A Great picture of Malachi, Stephen, and Micah!

Tim Kubetz and Isaac Row

Rochelle Coffey and Jen Magnuson

Ranger Fred

Ranger Fred with all his gear Yipee tye yo!! yeehaw!

Po Ping Pong

Ah.... attached for life ,or so we hope, Po Ping Pong and Ranger Freddie

So Much Fun!!

Rochelle and Samantha

Mrs. O'neill and Terry

Christine Sturdivant

Jae, Emily, Sandy, Mary Ellen, Patrick, and Eliya .
What a great bunch!

That same bunch only sleepy Steve is in it.

Jae Magnuson

Stephen Fries

Emily, Eliya, and Rachel.

Steve throwing Rueben out the window! LOL

Emily Row

Pauls head, Norah, Emily, and Channing playing Apples to Apples

A bunch of people not looking Channing, Beth, and Rachel.

Another not looking picture, Channing, Beth, Mrs. Fries, Jae, Christine, and Micah

Jen, Christine, and Steve

Rueben flying over Channing


Melissa Row

Melissa taking pictures

Stephen Fries

Everyone playing Guitar

Stephen and Mary ellen

Norah, Isaac, Malachi, and Stephen
Christine smile

Mary Ellen, Norah, and Isaac Jammin'

Patrick watching the fun
