Monday, February 1, 2010


I have been trying for days to get into my account and I finely did it!!! SWEET!! now what to post...hmmm....

Well the moral of this is I have a list a mile long of stuff I want to do and finish but as some of you know I like to start something and then when I find something else to do I drop it and do that other Is this a problem? Why yes especially since I am getting married and am doing almost all the work for it myself! THANKS Mary for help with the envelopes and bouquets. I should start doing the center pieces or set up the sample table to see how I want it set up or write on the maps which road to turn onto. but no here I am at Stacy's working but yet not! lol oh well on the other hand I have some amazingly good news my food is only going to cost 1500!!! that includes the following: ice tea, lemon aid, and coffee decaf and regular. Ham, chicken, green beans, rolls, and baked potatoes with cheese sour cream and butter!!! I am practically dancing for joy!!! woot

well I will try and keep y'all posted on my life now that I can finely get into my account!!

dandy sandy!