Tuesday, August 14, 2007

sight seeing In Indy

James on a horse in shopko parking lot

Stacy on a horse and James in a space ship
A building

Old Abe Lincoln
Rob with a great saying


Me on the steps of the museum

My boy friend in my other life


A building of civil war
Rob on the small elevator

James and Stacy on the steep steps
clear water

A view from the top of a tower
A spitting buffalo

statue of a mother welcoming her soldier son

A tower
flower pots!

Rob picking the Buffalo

An army man

An army tent
Going off to war!

A cannon
Rob and the cannon

A cannon ball stuck in a tree

the civil war monument

Cool looking water

A fountain

Two ducks in the fountain

Ducky ducky in the fountain!

try running up those steps

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweet! you're making progress.... but hurry! lol

loves my monkey